How to show the Business Value of your PMO?

A Project Management Office (PMO) is an essential part of any organization that manages projects. Its purpose is to provide guidance, support, and oversight to ensure that projects are completed efficiently, on time, within budget, and with the expected quality. The value of a PMO is often overlooked or misunderstood, making it difficult to justify its existence or demonstrate its value to the organization. In this article, we will explore how to show the value of your PMO and demonstrate its impact on the organization.

  1. Define Your PMO’s Objectives

The first step in demonstrating the value of your PMO is to define its objectives. What are the goals of your PMO, and how do they align with the organization’s overall strategy? Objectives may include improving project delivery, increasing stakeholder satisfaction, reducing project costs, or enhancing project management capabilities. Defining your objectives will help you focus your efforts and demonstrate your PMO’s value in achieving them.

  1. Develop Metrics to Measure Performance

Once you have defined your objectives, you need to develop metrics to measure your PMO’s performance. Metrics should be aligned with your objectives and should be both quantitative and qualitative. For example, if your objective is to improve project delivery, you might measure project completion time, schedule adherence, and defect rates. If your objective is to reduce project costs, you might measure budget adherence, resource utilization, and procurement efficiency. Measuring your PMO’s performance will provide evidence of the value it brings to the organization.

  1. Establish Baselines and Targets

To demonstrate the value of your PMO, you need to establish baselines and targets for each metric. Baselines are the starting point for measuring performance, while targets are the desired level of performance. Baselines can be established by analyzing historical data, while targets should be set based on your PMO’s objectives and industry benchmarks. For example, if your baseline for project completion time is 12 months, you might set a target of 10 months to demonstrate the value of your PMO’s efforts to improve project delivery.

  1. Communicate Your PMO’s Value Proposition

To ensure that your PMO is recognized and valued by the organization, you need to communicate its value proposition. Your value proposition should explain what your PMO does, why it is important, and how it adds value to the organization. You can communicate your value proposition through presentations, reports, dashboards, and other communication channels. By articulating your PMO’s value proposition, you can help stakeholders understand the value it brings to the organization.

  1. Demonstrate the Impact of Your PMO’s Efforts

To demonstrate the value of your PMO, you need to demonstrate the impact of its efforts. You can do this by presenting evidence of the positive changes your PMO has brought about, such as improved project delivery, increased stakeholder satisfaction, or reduced project costs. You can also demonstrate the impact of your PMO’s efforts by highlighting successful projects, sharing testimonials from stakeholders, or showcasing industry awards or recognition. Demonstrating the impact of your PMO’s efforts will help stakeholders recognize the value it brings to the organization.

  • Continuously Improve Your PMO

Finally, to demonstrate the value of your PMO, you need to continuously improve it. Continuous improvement involves identifying areas for improvement, implementing improvements, and measuring the impact of those improvements. By continuously improving your PMO, you can demonstrate its ongoing value to the organization and ensure that it remains relevant and effective.


Demonstrating the value of your PMO is critical to ensuring its ongoing success and support from stakeholders. By defining your PMO’s objectives, developing metrics to measure performance, establishing baselines and targets, communicating your value proposition, demonstrating the impact of your PMO’s efforts, and continuously improving it.

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